News & Press

23rd August 2013 Gaia in the press

Communities in Colombia and Balcombe, UK, United in their Resistance against Extraction

Activists who are resisting a gold mine in Piedras, Colombia, have this week reached out to the communities of Balcombe in Sussex, to show solidarity and support for their parallel… Read More

22nd August 2013 Gaia in the press

Can Chiribiquete help protect the Amazon from mining?

Colombia now has the largest protected area in the Amazon, with the expansion of Chiribiquete National Park. Chiribiquete, declared a National Park in 1989, officially increased in size from 1,298 ,954… Read More

13th August 2013 Gaia in the press

Gaia joins allies for GM Health Risk Week 2nd – 8th September

Next month we join forces with War on Want, Food Democracy Now and the UK Food Sovereignty Movement to help raise awareness of GM Health Risk Week. The event promises… Read More

13th August 2013 Gaia in the press

African Civil Society Organisations to Counter Corporatisation of African Agriculture

This week the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) will come together in Ethiopia to discuss strategies for resistance against genetically modified seed, Bill Gate’s Alliance for a Green… Read More

22nd June 2013 Gaia in the press

Maria and the Ukok Princess: Climate change and the fate of the Altai

Weaving photos and narrative, Gleb Raygorodetsky introduces us to the sacred landscape of the Ukok Plateau, its changing climate, and the quest of local kam (shaman) Maria Amanchina for the return of… Read More

21st June 2013 Gaia in the press

Gaia Amazonas hosts Latin American Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award

For the first time in history, some of Latin American’s finest visionaries and activists – with a shared commitment towards a better future for all inhabitants of the planet – will… Read More

11th June 2013 Gaia in the press

New Film – The Farmer, The Architect and The Scientist

A new film, ‘the farmer, the architect and the scientist’ tells the story of a seed hero. Dr Debal Deb is a pioneering ecologist committed to working with traditional farmers in eastern… Read More

4th June 2013 Gaia in the press

Venda community use ‘talking tools’ to protect land and Sacred Natural Sites

This week, local indigenous clans from across Venda in the Limpopo province of South Africa, are joined by allies from Kenya, Ghana and Benin, to explore the use of eco-cultural… Read More

24th May 2013 Gaia in the press

Mphatheleni Makaulule Awarded Global Leadership Award in New York

We are thrilled to share the news that in a ceremony taking place in New York this evening, South African indigenous leader Mphatheleni Makaulule will be awarded a Global Leadership… Read More

7th May 2013 Gaia in the press

MELCA-Ethiopia awarded for Entrepreneurship in Education

We are delighted with the news that our partner MELCA-Ethiopia is country winner in the Educating Africa Pan-African Awards for Entrepreneurship in Education. Environmental education and intergenerational learning are key… Read More

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We live in a time of multiple, complex crises. There are no easy answers. Working to uphold the health and diversity of our living planet is always rewarding, but we think you’ll agree it can sometimes feel like swimming against the stream. And yet like salmon we leap, and more often than you might expect, we make it. We invite you to make the next leap with us by making a donation of any size. Thank you for your solidarity.

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