News & Press

29th May 2014 Gaia in the press

Hungry for Land: Small Farmers Feed the World on Less than a Quarter of the Land

Extract taken from GRAIN’s website. Full article and pdf of the reports are available here. “It is commonly heard today that small farmers produce most of the world’s food. But how… Read More

29th May 2014 Gaia in the press

The Transformation of Pluspetrol’s Oil-slicked Reality into an Award-winning Fallacy

Taken from the Alianza Arkana website. Read the original article and report here.  Argentinian-based oil company, Pluspetrol, long-time contaminator and human rights violator, won the “2013 Sustainable Development Award” from its industry… Read More

1st April 2014 Gaia in the press

UN Climate experts: Green Revolution leaves food systems vulnerable to climate change

The United Nations’ experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have stated that the so-called “green revolution” is leaving agriculture vulnerable to climate change, and that new approaches… Read More

6th March 2014 Gaia in the press

Colombian and Ghanaian Communities Unite in Solidarity Against Mining

Kindling an international correspondence across 5,000 miles of land and sea, last week anti-mining activists from Doima (Colombia) and Krobo (Ghana) reached out to one another to express solidarity in… Read More

19th February 2014 Gaia in the press

Guardian releases short edit of Seeds of Justice film.

Watch the 4 minute taster of our upcoming Seeds of Justice film here. The Guardian has released a short edit of our upcoming film, Seeds of Justice, to accompany its coverage… Read More

10th February 2014 News

Nothing in Nature is Wasted – Why shouldn’t business be the same?

An article by Rowan Phillimore, originally published in The Guardian – Gaia Principles Offer a Sustainable Way to Manage Supply and Legacy – Monday 10th February 2014 A study of… Read More

4th February 2014 Gaia in the press

Judges travel to the Amazon for public hearing on Yaigoje Apaporis and gold mining

Three members of the Constitutional Court have made an unprecedented trip to the heart of the Amazon forest, to settle a three-year legal battle on the future of Colombia’s third… Read More

29th January 2014 Gaia in the press

The Year in Review – Gaia’s 2013 Highlights

2013 was another exciting year for Gaia and our partners. In particular, we built the momentum of two key areas of work – exposing the true story of seed and… Read More

28th January 2014 Gaia in the press

Severe Oil Contamination Found in the Largest National Reserve in Peru

Last week Peruvian governmental authorities released test results that prove alarming levels of contamination in Peru’s largest national reserve, Pacaya Samiria. The park has been declared a “wetland of international… Read More

15th January 2014 Gaia in the press

Wake Up Call – Why the Tech Dream is becoming a Nightmare

Today we release Wake Up Call, a short animation unpacking the lifecycle of electronics, the system that drives this, and the impact that our grave modern addiction is having on Earth…. Read More

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We live in a time of multiple, complex crises. There are no easy answers. Working to uphold the health and diversity of our living planet is always rewarding, but we think you’ll agree it can sometimes feel like swimming against the stream. And yet like salmon we leap, and more often than you might expect, we make it. We invite you to make the next leap with us by making a donation of any size. Thank you for your solidarity.

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