9th December – The International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature, initiated by the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, calls for mining to stop in the Cordillera del Condor, Peru and urges the State to investigate and punish those responsible for the death of activist José Tendentza. Other States and corporations are also sentenced for violating the Rights of Nature and humans.

On the 5th and 6th December, as governments met at the United Nations Climate Change conference in Lima, Peru to negotiate commitments to reduce their carbon emissions, an International Rights of Nature Tribunal heard 12 cases of climate change injustice including oil extraction in the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador, damming of a river and displacement of indigenous peoples in Brazil, hydraulic fracking in the U.S. and damage to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

The Tribunal recommends reparation, restoration and prevention of further damage, and encourages parties to participate in mediation and restorative justice to enhance the health, integrity and functioning of the Earth Community.

While the Tribunal does not have legal authority its rulings will urge respect of Earth’s Laws and the Rights of Nature, and contribute to the recognition, development and application of Earth Jurisprudence principles. The Tribunal is part of a growing movement calling for the protection of life for present and future generations of all species, and calling for Yes to Life, No to Mining.

The Tribunal builds on the pioneering Permanent Rights of Nature Ethics Tribunal in Quito, Ecuador earlier this year, which has inspired local communities and organisations to host local Tribunals in the U.S. by the Bay Area community and the Earth Law Centre, and in Australia by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance.

For more information please see press release and website of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature.

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More information available at http://therightsofnature.org/lima-2014-tribunal/

In Spanish at http://therightsofnature.org/tribunal-internacional-derechos-de-la-naturaleza/

CONTACT: Natalia Greene +593 (0) 99944-3724/nati.greene@gmail.com

Robin R. Milam +1.530.263-1483/Nature@TheRightsofNature.org