News & Press

10th March 2015

Seeds of Sovereignty launches in Amharic and French

We are delighted to share two new translations of Seeds of Sovereignty, the second film in our Seeds of Freedom series. Now available in Amharic and French, Seeds of Sovereignty shares the stories of African… Read More

17th February 2015

Gaia Amazonas inspires climate change action and the world’s largest ecological corridor

Colombia’s government announced that it will draw up plans to join with Brazil and Venezuela in creating the world’s largest ecological corridor, a project aimed at mitigating the effects of… Read More

21st January 2015

Yaigojé Apaporis – traditional knowledge at the heart of protecting the Colombian Amazon

We are delighted to share a NEW SHORT FILM – Yaigoje Apaporis – produced by Gaia in collaboration with our partner Gaia Amazonas. The film documents the efforts of indigenous communities in Colombia’s Yaigoije Apaporis… Read More

15th January 2015

New Year, New Job! Come and work with Gaia

Senior Strategic Partnerships and Fundraising Coordinator £35- 40K (depending on experience) Deadline 8th February 2015.  Are you someone who loves to spot connections and synergies, to link people up and… Read More

14th January 2015

New Film: Reconnecting with the Sacred in Bale, Ethiopia

We are pleased to share a new short film, Reconnecting with the Sacred: Community-led revival of Nature and Culture in Bale, Ethiopia, produced by our partner MELCA. The film explores MELCA’s… Read More

10th December 2014

In Solidarity – New film connects communities resisting mining around the world

In her theory of change known as ’emergence’, the academic scholar Margaret Wheatley reminds us that: “The world doesn’t change one person at a time. It changes as networks of… Read More

9th December 2014

International Tribunal Defends the Rights of Nature from Mining

9th December – The International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature, initiated by the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature, calls for mining to stop in the Cordillera del Condor, Peru… Read More

3rd December 2014

Mining for Smartphone Minerals is Eating up Farmland

Originally posted in The Guardian, 3rd December 2014. Doima, a small farming town, lies in the heart of central Colombia’s agricultural land. Fed by sediment-rich water running down from the Andes,… Read More

2nd December 2014

Immediate Action: Ostola Forest Under Threat from Clear Cuts in North Karelia, Finland

More at Today The Gaia Foundation join in unity into a growing international network of governmental agencies, scientists, Indigenous and local communities and their organisations, led by the Snowchange… Read More

13th November 2014

Mining affected communities around the world say ‘No to Mining’

A clear message is coming from mining affected communities the world-over: No More! In a statement released today by the growing Yes to Life, No to Miningmovement – a global coalition of civil… Read More